"The Dynamic Classroom" course Join us on Cape Cod this Summer

"The Dynamic Classroom: Engaging All Students through the Arts" is coming to Barnstable from July 30-August 3, 2018. Jeff Billard and Keith Caldwell, through Fitchburg State University and the Cape Cod Collaborative, will be offering "The Dynamic Classroom : Engaging All Students through the Arts," during the week of July 30-Aug 3 at Barnstable United Elementary School. Save the dates! This is a hands-on, participation-based course that provides ideas for engaging all students, including those with disabilities and diverse learning styles, through collaborative and cooperative learning as well as instructional strategies that can be implemented in your classes right away upon your return to school next fall. The course is designed for TEACHERS OF ALL GRADES AND ALL LEVELS. In the meantime, please contact us if you have any questions or need more information! I also encourage you to chat with a colleague who has taken one of our courses with us - I thi...